The Ayrshire Link active travel team have launched a sporting challenge encouraging people to get active this summer.
The team will be attending free family community events throughout June, July and August inviting people to take part in a ‘60 Second Challenge’ with the chance to win a smart watch at each event. All participants will be automatically entered into a prize draw with the chance of winning an electric bike. The winner will be drawn at random in September.
The ‘60 Second Challenge’ requires individuals to see how far they can run, walk, cycle or hand cycle in just one minute. By simply participating people will be automatically entered in a prize draw to win a smart watch.
The Ayrshire Link is a network of Active Travel routes that will connect communities throughout South and East Ayrshire, making it safer and more accessible to walk, wheel and cycle. The initiative is being promoted by Ayrshire Roads Alliance, a partnership between South and East Ayrshire Councils.
David Manson of Ayrshire Roads Alliance said, “Ayrshire has a strong tradition of hosting community events, and it is great to see their continuation. We’ve attended a couple so far and the response has been great with lots of people taking part in the Challenge including, of course, lots of dads battling it out in competition with their children. It’s been a lot of fun.
“We’re also using the opportunity to chat to people about how they currently travel, the benefits of active travel and the work we’re doing on connecting routes through the Ayrshire Link.”
The summer events the Ayrshire Link team will be attending include:-
Saturday 1 June Barr Gala Day
Saturday 1 June Tarbolton Gala Day
Sunday 2 June Carrick Lowland Gathering, Girvan
Saturday 8 June Colmonell Fun Day
Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 June Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink
Saturday 15 June Troon Gala Day
Saturday 15 June Crosshill Gala Day
Saturday 22 June Summer Family Fest (Holy Fair), Ayr
Saturday 13 July Bruce 750 Festival Maybole
Saturday 27 July Barrhill Fete
Saturday 27 July Prestwick Promenade Celebrations
Saturday 3 August Dundonald Highland Games
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August Girvan RNLI Harbour Gala
Saturday 10 August Colmonell & Ballantrae Agricultural Show
Friday 16 and Saturday 17 August Ayr Flower Show
Saturday 24 August Dunure Festival of the Sea
The Ayrshire Link features fifteen different routes currently planned or under different stages of development and spanning over 100 miles. Further information on the Ayrshire Link is available from
For further information:
Sharon McEwan
07801 560 231